Other Sites
Geological Surveys:
Geological Survey of Canada -
Provides links to various resources both within the GSC and outside. Includes an "Ask-a-geologist" page.
British Columbia -
Good resources, including downloads, with a West Coast bent - earthquakes, landslides, mining, rocks and minerals, etc. Links to other organizations also.
Manitoba -
Information on rocks and mining in Manitoba. Links to other resources.
Newfoundland -
Geology and minerals in Newfoundland and Labrador; natural hazards, meteorites, excellent geological glossary and downloadable digital slides of rocks and minerals and geological features.
Saskatchewan -
Series of mineral posters available free to teachers.
British Geological Survey -
Useful site with information and downloads on fossils, rocks, geological timescale, volcanoes, earthquakes and geo-tourism. British focus obviously.
US Geological Survey -
Very extensive site covering biological as well as geological teaching and learning resources.
Other Sites:
Geoscape Canada -
Excellent resource for understanding the relevance of the geosciences to everyday life in Canadian communities.
Mining Matters -
Countless resources for teachers and students that promote awareness of the importance of rocks, minerals, metals, mining and Canada
Atlas of Canada - http://atlas.gc.ca
Canada-wide maps of various natural and historical themes. Also links to learning resources about maps and geography, including downloadable maps for use in the classroom.
Geological Society of London -
Downloadable pamphlets on various topics of geology and impacts on everyday life, online photo library, extensive links to other internet resources.
Society of Sedimentary Geology - https://www.sepm.org
Good classroom activities/lesson plans.
BBC Schools -
Geared to the British curriculum but material is applicable elsewhere.
The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom -
Excellent resource for information about minerals, their properties and uses. Photo gallery, glossary, how to identify minerals, etc.
Our Earth as Art -
Downloadable Landsat images of the Earth. Co-sponsored by USGS and NASA.
ESEU, Keele University -
Oriented towards the UK curriculum, but some very useful downloads, book reviews, and web links.
Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (France) -
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Site Created by Act of Mind Communication Inc.